My top 5 MMOs

Listening to the latest Virginworlds podcast, I thought I would weigh in on my top 5 MMOs. My opinion is exactly that, and is not necessarily based on the number of players but the overall enjoyment I have had in the games.

I also would like to hinge the following list on the concept of how I perceived my memories of the game and not the current state of the game. I know people will look at the list and start crying that recently I have been bemoaning games on the list but overall the games still shine, even though the latest content doesn’t.

1. Everquest II
2. Everquest
3. World of Warcraft
4. City of Heroes
5. Star Wars Galaxies

25 dollar virtual horse?!?

What is Sony thinking? If you haven’t seen the email circulating yet, it is the latest sell out by Sony where they are claiming a limited release of a virtual mount in Everquest II for twenty-five dollars.

I have not seen the statistics on this new mount, nor do I really think I care to but it seems to me that Sony is sinking to its lowest depths by grafting such a ridiculous price for an item in a game.

Even if the mount was twice as fast as any other mount in the game, which I can almost guarantee it is not, I cannot believe they would stoop so low as to overcharge their loyal customers 25 dollars.

What is next for these guys? Buying a virtual house for a hundred dollars? Or even better yet, creating a mortgage on a piece of virtual property and making their players pay each month to own it?

So now players must pay a monthly subscription fee, plus purchase overpriced expansion sets, and now if they want to stay competitive to the other guy, they need to start forking over large amounts of cash for ingame items? Where does it end?

Of course no one is forcing the player to buy these things, but its a true shame to offer such an over priced item to individuals who may not think the purchase completely through. Also many of the players are children, naive to the world, of such unsavory practices as claiming an item “MAY” be available only for a month — so buy now. Then again, it may be available for 12 months but why should they tell the players that. . . .

All in all, I am horribly disappointed in this latest move.

Mental Road Block

Once again my arch nemesis, Dr. Lethargy, is rearing it’s ugly head. Back in January and February I was so full of excitement I could barely control my thoughts long enough to concentrate on two things at one time.

Not so long ago I was so excited about Podcasting, Everquest II, my writing of my novel, my game design (Bloodbath), researching Meso-American civilization, and all of my other assorted hobbies. Now it seems I can barely muster the energy to turn the computer on — I stare at the screen not knowing, or really caring, where I surf. I open up old favorites hoping to elicit a positive response only to look at the screen for a few minutes and then shrug.

What am I to do? I so long for the days where I was designing new rules for Bloodbath all the while surfing on Itunes for music. I can easily remember working all day long, sending myself little emails about new plots, new adventures, and new goals.

I wish I had a magic lantern I could rub and wish for my inspiration to return.

Perhaps I should just open a book and read it, or settle back and watch some TV show. Some small part of me says “yes” but another larger part of me screams, “Who Cares!?!”

So here I sit, thinking about thinking about doing something. I feel like a dried up river bed, staring at the late August sky hoping to see the dark clouds — knowing all too well that a drop of rain will turn into a torrent of excitement.

Where is those darn clouds!