Review of Sentinel’s Fate

I don’t know about the rest of you, but this latest expansion and with the latest inclusion of the Battlegrounds is really beginning to make me mad. It seems as if the core gamers that have been with the game for years now, and I have been playing for nearly 5 years, have been jilted.

There really isn’t anything new added by the expansion, that although there are new lands to explore for the most part its just retread of old content. The monsters are the same, the quests are the same, even the silly transportation system is the same.

Albeit there are a few new models for monsters, but 90% of the creatures are highly over-conned and offer little in the way of grind experience or loot. By the second day I learned that my 82nd level guy could solo 88th level mobs? You try that in Kunark and the nearby gravestones will become your best new friend. I remember when TSO came out, my warlock had a hard time killing blue mobs (and these were single and double down). Now, it seems like the mobs are fighting with mittens on.

There is no longer the option, and I say option because it wasn’t for everyone, the ability to grind levels. I was one that just like going out and exploring and grinding mobs. I have found out that even if I fight orange mobs for an entire night, I will yield less than five percent experience: What the Chiz?

The loot is equally unimpressive. I admit that I have T2 armor and a fabled weapon (though not my epic). Everything I have seen either first hand, through the market, or via the chat channels is a joke. Where is the anticipation of finding that next level gear when you know it is pathetic compared to what you already have? I have chests full of gear gained from 86th level quests, that my 82nd level guys will never use. Remember Kunark, when you first got off the docks and the gear there? People were cheering and actively doing the quests to gain it. I find now, players do it to sell or just to get to the next item.

The quests are silly and dumb too — the standard kill 10 of these, as present in other games are even further dumbed down by the fact the mobs are 20 feet away from the quest givers. On top of that, no matter when you do the quests, you get a measly 3 percent experience?

The BATTLEGROUNDS ultimately proves once and for all what we all know is fact: The ShadowKnights are a highly over-powered class that has every ability that every other class has. For those who are unfamiliar with it, they are a plate wearing tank that combines direct damage and AOE (Area of Effect) damage on top of the ability to escape, like thieves, and feign death, like the monk or necro, and heal, like clerics, and AOE, like warlocks, and all in a nice heavy plated platform.

Battlegrounds is an utter shambles with SKs fighting entire raids — Yes, I saw two whole groups trying to bring down 1 SK. In the end, 7 of my team mates were dead and we wasted four or five minutes wrestling with this one toon.

I know some will argue this position, but it is clearly the fact if you look at the numbers of SKs and the top gear ratios they have. Of course there are always exception to the rules, and I have seen other classes do well. I am talking generalities, and not specifically about Jimmy’s Paladin or Cindy’s bad to the bone Troubie.

The battlegrounds tend for me to be a place to go and wait for my timer to respawn me. Cloth wearers have very little chance against an SK.  Our spells are too slow, our roots are a joke, and the DPS of these SKs make it a continuous route for us squishies.

How can we correct this? That is a huge task — but now that they have released it on to live games anything they do will be screamed at by all as NERFS. I would suspect that they are going to nerf the hell out of the battlegrounds or it will be like the arena six months from now — it will be empty!

I am just do disappointed in this latest expansion and the chiz they have placed on long time players.


Bloodbath 2nd Edition BETA

Here is the BETA for Bloodbath, 2nd Edition. It is not nearly done — I will need to add double the content over the next several months. This will include a detailed map and locations, monsters, magic items, and a slew of different character options.

What I am looking from you, is to download the rules and read them over. If something doesn’t make sense or if there is problems with the rules, write me.

The first thing that I ask of you is to create a character. Better create 10 characters and tell me what you think of the creation process and where you think improvements need to be done.

Post your comments here, or write me at

Click below to download the latest edition:


Download this character sheet to better design characters for Bloodbath:

BB character

Have Fun, and please let me know your thoughts!

Join me on Twitter

Although I have been on Twitter for close to a year, many of you may not know this. I am constantly twittering (tweeting?) about my gaming experiences and my rants and raves about games.

Go to
sign in

Go to “Find People” and type my handle: “ShalimarTroy”.

I have close to 1400 tweets, though most of them you will not be able to read. I am currently running my rants and raves about Everquest II and would be thrilled for you to read along with my thoughts and exploits.

State of the Game Address

Its a good time to sit back and discuss the state of all my game developments and talk briefly about the games I am playing. To be honest, I am completely amazed at how stunning this year is turning out to be, and it is only February. There is so much going on, it is hard to know where to begin. Compared to last year, in which I can not remember one gaming achievement, other than dinging several characters to 80th level in EQ2, 2009 was a very boring and uneventful year. This year however, and with eager anticipation, I realize I still have ten more months to go.

Early in this year, starting in just the first days of January I became quite depressed. I am unsure exactly what brought it about, but a number of factors were leading up to it, including the feeling of being trapped at my job and just being so devoid of any creativity. I also think I had reached the end of playing EQ2, which although is a fun game, the game became just a ridiculous grind. Somewhere down in the pit of my stomach and perhaps the dark recess of my brain something must have snapped. I had to do something or I was going to go nuts. So began the year of enlightenment.


I started out with producing three podcasts. Two of the podcasts are available here on this site, or alternatively at These two shows were co-hosted by Karen from Journey’s with Jaye:

and of course were a ton of fun to make. I ask you to take a look at the EQual Perspectives tab at the top of the page and listen to one of the shows. I am also working on a Travels with Troy, which is partially done and I need to return to recording and editing to finish that one. It is my hopes that I will produce 1 podcast a month. Alternating between Travels with Troy and EQual Perspectives, I hope to build up my following again to the levels of 2007 and 2008 when I had hundreds of listeners — I will take what I get though and be proud of any numbers of listeners.


I have been also working on a number of board and RPGs this year which is unprecedented for me. In years past I have worked on some basic ideas, but never to this level. I am amazed how the words and the pages are forming for on all fronts of the game.

Last month I re-kindled my relationship with a Japanese translator that I have not had contact with for more than twenty years. This was the spark that fueled the blaze of creativity, I think. From there we agreed to rejuvenate Phantasm Adventures for the 4th time. I also started work on Bloodbath II, which is almost ready for the first beta testing (you will see it here first) and as always, it will be free for anyone wanting to download it. Along the way, I created a board/RPG hybrid called Monster Fandango which is going through its 3rd edition — with each new revision, becoming tighter and more fun. All of these games will take me the rest of the year to finish, if not push into 2011. I am so excited about all these games, most of all Phantasm Adventures which I have still a ton of work to do on.

I am also so pleased to announce that I have made contact with an old book publisher from the 1980s and he was gracious enough to send me a check for back royalties. Very kind of the company and was so great to receive it in the mail.


This is one front where I need to be re-invigorated.  I have not written prose in more than a year, and I miss the story telling.  I am hoping that returning to gaming a bit more will help me focus on telling new stories.  Two years ago I finished my first novel, called  Amish Johnson and the Pegasus Chamber  but I have not had time to find a publisher — or to be more exact, no publisher has wanted to read the book.  I have not tried to send it out in the last six months, and that needs to change.  I am contemplating putting the book on this site, perhaps saving the last two chapters.  If someone reads it, and wanted to read how it ends, then they can write me and I would send them the final two chapters. I am also thinking of putting it up on one of the many sites — but I wanted to see what people think.

Computer Games

On the entertainment front, I recently purchased the next expansion of Everquest II: Sentinel’s Fate./ I was really looking forward to this expansion, but what I see so far is very unimpressive. I hope 4 months from now, when the next State of the Game Address comes out, I will have a different opinion. For what I have seen so far, the mobs are the same models and their statistics are highly overconned — easy to kill but having no experience. I see far too many people just getting 90 in days. The treasure is luke warm, and the community as a whole sound so jaded. I wanted to enjoy this expansion so much, but it seems truly boring and unoriginal. And of course with any new release, the zone are highly buggy and the lag seems unbearable. I am now playing only 1 character, rather than by dual box, because I cannot put up with constant death of my second box because it falls off a cliff because of lag follow.


Right on the heels of Monster Fandango, comes the exciting return of Bloodbath in its first true new edition in more than twenty years.

Completely rewritten from the ground up, the game is easy to play — and just as easy to die. Characters can be one of three races and select from dozens of unique options. A wide variety of classes are offered as well as forty-two skills.

Monsters and mayhem await those foolish or brave enough to step into the world of Hel.

Come back often to be the first to download this exciting FREE rpg from the mind of Troy Christensen.

Monster Fandango

The 2nd Edition of Monster Fandango has been posted to the Emerald Tablet.  Please feel free to down the new PDF and check out the re-write.  I have added two dozen new rules, and modified the overall play of the game tremendously.

The 2nd Edition adds stacking rules to the game, new quests, better combat rules, more defined items in the game, and hints at advanced rules for facing, moving, and dungeons.

This is my first fresh game design in years. I whipped it out in a very short order and no doubt will want to make many small tweaks to the game.  I ask you to download and take a look. I am most interested in how fast it plays and if there are any obvious bugs or glitches in the game.  I am always interested in hearing from other gamers on my work, or even on other types of games.

Monster Fandango

Phantasm Adventures, 4th Edition

This is the 4th edition role-playing game that I have been working on and off for the last twenty years. Ultimately, there will be five books covering a wide assortment of rules on the game.

In this 60 page PDF players learn how to create a character for the game. There are so many options available in this first book it is hard to know where to begin.

Please feel free to download the PDF and read through it. I would very much like comments about the book and the rules. I will be hosting a special podcast on designing characters for the game shortly.

Book II will concentrate on equipment and combat. Book III will detail all the magical spells and items in the game. book IV will be a huge compendium of monsters and gods, including basic world concepts. Finally, Book V will detail all the continents and major and minor adventuring spots of Monokon.

I look forward to hearing about the game


check out another fine Everquest II podcast

Greetings fellow gamers and Norrathians, while Karen and I are preparing out next show I thought you might be interested in listening to another great podcast about Everquest II. I deplore you to head over to virginworlds and check out EQ/IQ. — check out EQ/IQ on the side!

In episode number 12 Dave talks all about the fine craft of transmuting. I have always told people young players on the Kithicor server you either need to be rich or nuts to be a transmutter. With the help of Dave, perhaps you can be a little less rich — but you can’t escape being a total screw ball for attempting this on anything less than a complete cadre of 80th level toons.

Oh by the way, I am so geeked about the 12th — everyone knows that is the release of the next expansion and soon thereafter we will also have access to the Battlegrounds. There is going to be so much gaming goodness here towards the end of February that I have taken three days off from work to enjoy it.

I am most interested in howthe Mastercrafted stuff compares to all the shard armor? I am so tired of grinding shards I never want to see one again — even though I have six toons, at least, in the mid 70s. I am praying that the 82 MC stuff is going to be substantial enough to forego the shard quests.

On the Horizon: Karen and I are beginning to work on episode 18 of EQual Perspectives.  Another broadcast of Travels with Troy is in the works!  I am continuing to plow away at my rework of Bloodbath II. I am also working on a FREE fantasy boardgame tentatively called Monster Fandango, and lastly I was surprised to hear from a Japanese translator from twenty years ago and I have some hopes of seeing my work translated into Japanese.
