Time Flies When You Are Having Fun

It is almost to the end of January and I am proud to say (and relieved) that I am still enjoying my little DS. It is a very small little game box, and some of the games I have tried fell flat. Overall, however, I am happy with buying it.

I am presently at the beginning stages of Final Fantasy III with Pidge, Jonni, Kimmi and Timmy. Those are my characters — funny little guys but they do like to fight!

I also received in the mail, through GameFly, a copy of Age of Empires: Mythologies. I haven’t put the card into my DS yet because of all the other stuff going on in my life. Perhaps this weekend — the Stupor Bowl is this Sunday and spending it at the inlaws “watching” the game. Woots for the DS.

I have also started podcasting again. Anyone interested in the show, head over to http://www.virginworlds.com and check out my show, The Travels with Troy. It can also be found on Itunes.

I am also back to playing Everquest (the original game) and have been having allot of fun at it — too much fun, I think. The ol’ motto still stands true – EverCrack. I am spending so much time playing my characters, that I have pushed my show at least two days forward. I have also not watched my Netflix video or played my GameFly game because of it. And of course I am two boxing again — so its even double the trouble.

Soon it will be February, one month down and 11 more to go in this year. I better get crackin’ to get at least some of my New Year’s Resolutions done.

My first three hours on the DS

I just got my Nintendo DS and am so eager to play it. I discovered to my groans, stomping feet, and under the breath curses I had to wait for three hours for the battery to charge. My wife called me a childish brat and I told her, “I want it!! I want it!!! I want it, now!!!!” Does that sound childish to you? Never mind. . .

The first game I played was Spore. I saw a creature demo on the PC and it really looked cool. I recently joined GameFly and that was the game that first came. Good idea to try these things out before you drop 40 bucks on them (or used at various venues).

I must say that I wasn’t impressed with the translation to the DS. Everything seemed very “construction paper” in appearance — perhaps that was what they were going for. It was also very childish in nature and seemed to really go the extra mile to explain tiny little details. I played it for an hour and grimaced — it didn’t seem to be the game to me.

Then I snapped in Final Fantasy III. I come to the franchise devoid of any conception or expectation of the product. I have heard it was a good game and has migrated to all sorts of platforms. I turned on the DS and was met with what appeared to be nearly DVD-Movie quality introduction. Wow!! That little segue story was very impressive.

I named my little friend, Pidge. My wife says I name all my RPG toons Pidge, but I disagree — but she is probably right (doesn’t that gall you how the girls are always right). Grrrr!!! Anyway, I am rambling again.

I took Pidge out on his adventure finding a number of green goblins that needed to be taught a lesson. I beat the tar out of them and found some nice treasure. I wandered around in some caves for a while, learning how to hold the DS and all the buttons on the darn thing — there are allot for a small little box. I found a nice spell scroll that I later used on a huge turtle (a boss I guess they call them). That allowed me out into the real world. Very nice little adventure so far.

I went to town with my little friend and talked to some of the inhabitants. I think i am going to be getting more friends, but haven’t so far.

the only thing I can say negative about the game is that I wish there was a way of turning the music off — I don’t mind the sound effects but the chimey music does wear on me quickly. I may also get tired of the endless little battles, but I do like grinding in MMOs so that may not be a big a hassle as I am thinking.

My next game from Gamefly is Age of Empires — an RTS of mythological scope. Sounds very interesting and I wonder how they handle RTS (real time strategy) in a hand held box like the DS.

I would love to hear from others who play the DS and their thoughts.

Now. . . On To Glory!!!!


DS Arrives Today

I am so excited to read that my Nintendo DS should arrive today via UPS. I was almost tempted from staying home from work today, but yesterday was not a good day and I didn’t want my fellow workers thinking I did it on purpose (which is true but not for the reasons they would think).

This was one of the New Year’s resolutions I made, and I know it seems simple, but I have been wanting to try other game platforms for a long time. I am coming into this experience blind since I have never actually saw one, but only heard about it.

My nephew had a gameboy and that looked intriguing. I think I am worried most about the size. Everyone says the DS is small and I hope I am not dejected over the small screens.

I already have bought a couple of games for it and joined the Gamefly network (you rent the games like renting videos via NetFlix). A bit perturbed that no instructions are shipped with the Gamefly games, but perhaps that is not a big a deal as I think.

I got a red and black one, although the color really doesn’t matter. I had the chance to buy a pink one locally, but the thought of playing on a pink DS just didnt sit well with me.

The first two games I got is Spore and Final Fantasy III — I plan on playing titles I would never play on my PC and have a list set up at Gamefly from all sorts of different categories.

Alas, I must go to work now — but I will tell you my experiences the next time.


Getting Back In The Saddle

I am having the most difficult time getting back into podcasting. Last August I told myself I was going to take a couple of months off and do some creative writing instead. My plan was to come back fully charged in the middle of October.
Now its January and I still have no shows and no immediate prospects of getting one done. I have my notes at hand and the eagerness, but each day after work I just don’t have the drive to get in front of the mic. I miss all my friends and listeners at Virginworlds, so I am unsure why I just don’t get organized and do it.


New Year’s Resolutions

It is 2009!  Wow, what a year 2008 was.  It started out pretty slow, but the year in review looks pretty spectacular from going to San Franciso, to starting a new job, to completing my first novel.  I had a blast in 2008 and am looking forward to a lot of fun in 2009.

I don’t know about others but I love making New Year’s Resolutions.  To me its a bit of a challenge to see what I can accomplish in the year to come. Sure, I will make many goals that will be unrealized, but for me it is still fun to say these are the things I want to succeed in, in the coming year.  So as a challenge to myself, I am going to post them here on the Emerald Tablet and then in 2010 (that year name sound so imposing) reflect on all the things I did accomplish and all those that slipped through the track.

I am going to make 20 New Year’s Resolutions, some being rather esoteric or nebulous.  Many will be easily attainable, requiring nothing more than to buy or spend money on it (spending money for me is a bit of a challenge to say the least).  Other goals will require great effort, while still others will rely on incredible luck (something beyond my control).

Here are my 2009 New Year’s Resolutions:

1. Write and complete my second novel (presumably it will be a sequel to Amish Johnson and the Pegasus Chamber aptly named Amish Johnson and the Leprechaun’s Legacy).

2. Find myself an agent or publisher for my two books.

3. Write and finsih 4 short stories.

4. Read 12 books (strangely enough i never have time to read books any longer — to be a good writer you need to read other author).

5. Play only 6 months of a MMO (too much of my time is spent in MMOs with nothing to show in the end).

6. Record and produce 12 podcasts — I really miss my friends at Virginworolds and need to concentrate on getting back in the business.

7. Go back to school (I have only a lowly Associates degree and would love to persue a degree in English).

8. Excel in my job (learn the ERP software Vantage and get a better handle on all facets of my job).

9. Finish two house repairs (not as glamorous as others but the old home needs a bit of fixing up and it really needs to be done).

10. Start a walking regiment (not much into physical excercise, I need to get a wee bit more active and walking seems easily enough done — I have a nice walking trail right by my house).

11. Payoff some credit debt (going against repairing the home, I would sure love to reduce the credit card debt down. Not as great as some people have it, it is still a dark and ominous cloud over my head). My goal is to reduce it by 2 thousand dollars.

12. Play different kinds of computer games (I always tend to play the same game over and over — strangely, this is another goal that will be a challenge.) 4 new and different games is the challenge.

13. Expand beyond just computer game fun (yea, another earth shattering endeavor but needless to say I do all my gaming on the PC.  Perhaps I should buy a Wii or a Nintendo DS or something). buy 1 other game device.

14. Be more outgoing (I am a introverted and shy.  My goal is to do things more outside of the home with friends, relatives, and different people). My goal is to do something out of the normal 12 times in this coming year!

15. Explore the esoteric more (I am so fascinated by mysticism, the unkown, things that go bump in the night but always end up sitting in front of the computer wasting my time).  My goal is to read 4 books on the esoteric and pursue my long time goal of self realization.

16. Persue Health (a rather nebulous and lofty goal but I need to start really being more conscious of staying healthy.  I need to go to the doctor for a full check up, I need to excercise more, I need to eat less fatty and sugary foods, I need to be aggressive in staying healthy).

17. Meet 6 new friends (another lofty goal but I want to meet new friends.  A friend I consider someone who I talk with regularly and can confide in them with serious or personal issues — the internet is a great venue to meet people but it can’t stop there.  I need to be more outgoing and reach out to new people).

18. Return to my roots of Role-Playing (start up a group of weekly role-players again at least 2 times a month. Get back to writing my rules again — perhaps a fifth edition of Phantasm Adventures.  Start up a web page to sell my rules and push my presence back into the world of RPGs).

19. Be More Adventuresome!! (God I get so tired of doing the same things all the time — my goal is try new foods, go to new places, explore areas I have never been, go on more trips, read new things, watch and go to places I have never been — talk to different people with different ideas with different agendas).

20. Make A Difference! Isnt that what it is all about?  This coming year I want to make a difference to the world, to my country, my state, my city, my family. . . and me!  A very nebulous goal and no way to pin point but I just want to make sure that I do things that others can feel proud about or makes them want to pass on fortune to others.

I must mention that these goals are in no particular order.  I would very much like to hear from anyone out there on their thoughts, aspirations, or goals for 2009 as well.  I hope each and every one of you has a glorious year, and I look forward 12 months from now looking back and seeing what I accomplished and what I need to push into 2010!
